Fireflies below Goat Hill(haibun excerpted from e-mails with friend Sylvia)Did end up doing the Goat Hill walk again last night. Set a slower pace than the 2 major treks last week, although still did it in about 1½ hours. The sky was overcast with rain clouds, so I didn't expect the same magic as experienced on Thursday with the "Green Tara" sunset. But nature always rewards those who visit ... when I got to the foot of Goat Hill, the swampy fields were full of fireflies zipping around. They more than made up for the lack of stars: as scudding clouds depart: fireflies everywhere! Her enthusiasm made me further reflect: the mating rituals of fireflies in mild meditation: fireflies ground me playing hide and seek with his soul Chris Faiers "Cricket" Box 69 Marmora, Ontario, Canada |